T : +(60)3-7728 7171 | (60)3-7729 4621 | F : (60)3-7727 7354 secretariat@bim.org.my

BIM President for 2023-2025 Session

The new Executive Committee members for 2023-2025


Please be informed that the Secretariat will be away for our Annual Dinner event from 23 July 2024 until 26 July 2024. We will resume office operations on Monday, July 29, 2024.

Kindly contact our Secretariat at >>>> 018-772 0117.

Thank you.

Highlight of the Month

BIM Seminar | BIM  51st Annual General Meeting (AGM) | Annual Dinner

24th July 2024


Seminar Programme

24th July 2024 @ 9.00 am


Dear BIM members,
We are pleased to announce that Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia (BIM) is organizing Seminar on ESG.

Please help to share to your members.

Kindly register by click this link:>>>



Thank you.


Come and join us !


Courtesy Visit by Malaysian Professional Centre (MPC) to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) HQ in Putrajaya.

On 7 June 2024, the Malaysian Professional Centre (MPC), also known as Balai Ikhtisas Malaysia (BIM), paid a courtesy visit to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia, SPRM). The delegation was warmly received by YBhg Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Haji Azam bin Baki, the Chief Commissioner of the MACC.

The mission of the Malaysian Professional Centre (MPC) is “Commitment to professional excellence through the practice of high ethical standards and integrity.” This visit underscores the MPC’s dedication to fostering professional integrity and ethical practices, aligning with the MACC’s mission to combat corruption and promote transparency within Malaysia.

The Malaysian Professional Centre encourages the promotion of integrity, accountability, transparency, and good governance in the professions.


Upcoming Events by Members

JUNE 2024

CILT International Convention 2024

16 – 18 June 2024, Langfang, China

JULY 2024

DATUM: KL 2024

A cornerstone of the Kuala Lumpur Architecture Festival (KLAF), it provides a platform for discourse and showcases exemplary architectural projects from around the globe. Register your visit to ARCHIDEX 👉 www.bit.ly/AR24vis_FB





BIM Publications

Dear All Members,

We would like to share with you the BIM Professional Women video presented during BIM 50th Anniversary Dinner on 27th July 2022.




Promoting interests both locally
and internationally

BIM is the umbrella organisation of 21 professional organisation in the country,
with a total membership of about 60,000.